Sunday cooking inspiration

Mexican Tomato Soup

Mexican Tomato Soup

I am a big fan of Jamie Oliver 15 Minutes Meals. His food is full of colour, pretty, easy to follow and most of all its fun to watch him cooking it. Also, he keep it low calories specially on his 15 minutes Meals, its all round healthy. He is very active and full of inspiration. Most of Sundays, I visit the local supermarket and have a shopping list for one of Jamie's 15 minutes meal that I watched the night before in TV3

I was inspired by his Mexican Tomato Soup he made couple of weeks ago. My version of Jamie Oliver Mexican Tomato Soup:

  • I made my own grilled red peppers.
  • Very easy: spray olive oil the peppers, put it in the grilled oven for 25minutes or until char grill and soften. Then put them on a sealed plastic bag for a few minutes to sweat and skin come off easily.
  • I added a piece of chicken breast for extra taste.
  • Instead of Tortilla chips I bought soft Tortilla and cut them in triangle with a bit of spray olive oil and grill them. So, I made my own tortilla chips.
  • My version has no Avocado and Feta cheese.
  • And my salad were: Lettuce, tomato, snack cucumber, fresh mint.

Sure, took me more than 15 minutes right, but it was fun making it and taste even better. Inspired Sunday afternoon!